Thursday, March 09, 2006


Midterm Study Guide Practice Problems

Answer Section

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. A

11. C

12. C

13. B

14. D

15. D

16. B

17. D

18. C

19. D

20. B

21. A

22. D

23. B

24. B

25. D

26. D

27. C

28. D

29. D

30. B

31. C

32. C

33. A

34. A

35. B

36. B

37. D

38. C

39. C

40. B

41. C

42. A

43. A

44. C

45. C

46. B

47. A

48. C

49. B

50. B

51. B

52. D

53. B

54. C

55. A

56. B

57. B

58. C

59. C

60. C

61. C

62. C

63. A

64. B

65. B

66. A

67. C

68. A

69. A

70. C

71. B

72. C

73. B

74. B

75. B

76. C

77. D

78. D

79. C

80. D

81. A

82. C

83. C

84. D

85. A

86. A

87. C

88. A

89. B

90. A

91. B

92. A

93. D

94. A

95. A

96. B

97. A

98. A

99. B

100. D

101. C

102. C

103. C

104. A

105. B

106. A

107. C

108. D

109. C

110. A

111. B

112. B

113. A

114. D

115. C

116. B

117. D

118. A

119. C

120. A

121. C

122. C

123. C

124. C

125. C

126. B

127. C

128. B

129. B

130. D

131. B

132. D

133. C

134. D

135. D

136. C

137. C

138. B

139. D

140. D

141. B

142. D

143. C

144. D

145. B

146. C

147. D

148. A

149. B

150. C

151. C

152. D

153. B

154. D

155. C

156. A

157. C


158. reactants

159. products

160. element

161. coefficient

162. liquid

163. produces

164. aqueous
a solid dissolved in water

165. gas

166. A homogeneous mixture can be separated by physical means, whereas a pure substance cannot. For example, salt can be removed from a salt-water mixture by evaporating the water, but to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen requires chemical means.

167. In the periodic table, elements in the same column have similar properties. Because helium and xenon are located in the same group, their properties are similar.

168. In qualitative observations, the data are descriptive and non-numerical. In quantitative observations, the data are numerical.

169. Mass is the amount of matter in something. Weight depends on Earth's gravitational attraction on the object.

170. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons and therefore different mass numbers.

171. A mole is a collection of atoms that is large enough to measure in the laboratory. A single atom is too small.

172. Alpha particles are helium nuclei that are emitted from heavy elements. Beta particles are high-energy electrons emitted from nuclei when neutrons become protons. Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves.

173. Fusion is the energy source of the sun.

174. Ca, calcium, solid; H2O, water, liquid; Ca(OH)2, calcium hydroxide, aqueous solution; H2, hydrogen, gas


4.82 ยด 1024 atoms Cl


1.99 mol Pt


80.0 g O


799 g Br


2.50 mol He


352 g K

181. The arrangement of the particles in the three states account for their different properties. Particles in a solid move very little; particles in a liquid move more; and gas particles move the most. In the drawn models, particles in solids should appear closely packed and structured; particles in liquids should appear able to flow randomly past one another; and particles in gases should appear sparsely and randomly spaced.

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