Wednesday, May 10, 2006


The Great Yucca Mountain Webquest:

One of our favorite state Grade Level Expectations says “Assess environmental issues related to the storage, containment, and disposal of wastes associated with energy production and use (PS-H-G4)”

In order to rock this we are going to evaluate the debate over shipping nuclear waste to a dump site located in Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Congress voted in 2002 to use Yucca Mountain for waste but the site has been mired in controversy and questions ever since. Will we ever get an answer for Yucca Mountain? You are about to help out.

Your job is to create an ultimate PowerPoint on Yucca Mountain to share with the class. Your PowerPoint should have the following (please save the PowerPoint on the G drive in “06 Gibney Chemistry”)

Slide 1: Title Page

Slide 2 – 3: Briefly analyze both sides of the debate. Using your journalistic instincts (probably honed by watching too much TV), write a brief synopsis of the debate which could be read as a news report.

Two good sources for this assignment are an article from the Seattle Post Intelligencer and a report from National Public Radio.

Slides 3 – 8: Present the views of a group with a vested interest in the debate. You and your partner may select one of the following parties...

Choose one of the following Groups:

Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn

The United States Geological Survey

The Environmental Protection Agency

The Nuclear Regulatory Commision & The Department of Energy

The purpose of your presentation is to inform the rest of the committees of the issues regarding your topic. Both you and your partner will present the project.

Critical thinking is key in earning a perfect grade.

Use the Following Links to Help:

National and Government Sources

American Nuclear Society
Yucca Mountain Project
Yucca Mountain Standards from the EPA
Berkley Lab Work on Yucca Mountain Project
Yucca Mountain Geophysical Studies from USGS
The Science of Yucca Mountain - coverage from National Public Radio"
Nuclear Energy Institute
Energy Information Agency
Yucca Mountain Youth Zone - Meet Yucca Johnny!!!

Nevada Sources
The Las Vegas Sun - Yucca Mountain Coverage
Yucca Mountain Facts
Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force
Nye County Nuclear Waste Depository Office
Citizen Alert
Eureka County Nevada Nuclear Waste

Minnesota Sources
Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPRIG)
Minnesotans for Sustainable Energy
Minnesota Environmental Quality Board: Nuclear Waste
Prarie Island Coalition

Finding Legal Documents
Library of Congress - Thomas

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